Looking for clients with gusto?

We all know the quote “Behind every great man there is a great woman”. But what if I tell you that behind every great coach there is a great client?

The secret for a mindful living… It’s when you take that first step that the MAGIC happens!

Two years ago I proposed a “Mindful walk” in Venice to a group of colleagues coming from all over the world. A friend of mine said, how can you be mindful with a group of people walking in a touristic place like Venice?

A place with Gusto!

When I say that I live in Italy most of the people tell me how lucky I am. They start sharing their memories about past escapades or dreams of future trips. The common image of Italy is of a place where people enjoy life at the fullest: the nice weather…

What does it take to coach with gusto?

Coaching has always been my passion and now it is also my profession. Many people ask me what makes a good coach. I have identified 10 traits. A great coach is…

Coaching Model: THE AIM

Presentation of THE AIM Coaching Model and its application in the coaching relationship.

 “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Research Paper: Trust Your Intuition!

Thought Leadership Article on the power of Intuition: how trusting your intuition can lead you to better decisions.

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations… I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am.”

A. Einstein

Power Tool: Excitement vs. Anxiety

Presentation of the Power Tool I created to help my clients to shift from anxiety to excitement.

 “That anxiety makes its appearance is the pivot upon which everything turns.”

S. Kierkegaard