Honored to partner and witness your success.
I am so proud of you all, my heartfelt thank you!

“Rossella is a leader among coaches! Whether it’s training a new coach, working with a high level executive, or creating a program for outstanding leaders, Rossella brings a strong level of excellence to her work. In any project, Rossella can be counted on to exceed expectations. I highly recommend Rossella for any global project that involves mentoring, coaching and or leadership!”

Karen Cappello (MCC)USA - Business Coach & Mentorwww.karencappello.com

“Rossella Pin is an outstanding teacher and coach who very clearly cares about her students and the practice of coaching. She brings an authentic, positive energy to class sessions, and the result is always a lively and rich learning environment. One gets the sense that Rossella is exactly the same person before, during and after the class: someone who has retained a sense of wonder and who delights in facilitating learning. When I was enrolled at ICA as a student, I looked forward to joining any class she taught, knowing that after an hour in her skillful care, I would emerge a little smarter and a little more excited for my next coaching opportunity.”

Chris Keating (PCC)USA - Vice President of Learning and Development

“I met Rossella for the first time on the phone while I was searching information about International Coach Academy: I remember every word of the powerful conversation that inspired me to approach coaching. Soon she became my mentor and trainer during my journey in ICA and I am satisfied to have had Rossella by my side while I was studying and practicing, both in class and during the observed coaching. She inspires her students by being enthusiastic, light and concrete at the same time. The many exercises and feedbacks she offers her students are real tools I always appreciated, since they let you learn faster. She is passionate about the Italian ICA community and friendship is always in the air. Last but not least, when talking to Rossella, I often felt that everything is possible. :)”

Elena Carella (ACC)Italy - Youth Coach

“I had the pleasure to meet Rossella in my coaching programme with ICA. What impressed me the most was the passion, energy and lightness she was able to deliver in each and every class. I enjoyed having her as a trainer for the insightful perspectives she provided to us and the simple yet powerful exercises she used to share in the class that helped me reflect more in depth and explore different point of views. During the Observed Coaching I benefited from her valuable and rich feedback and observations and she supported me in growing as a coach.”

Katia Melazzi (ACC)Singapore - Leadership & Transition Coach

“Rossella is a great trainer. She sparks joy, energy and love for what she does. She trained me, together with others, at the International Coach Academy and I am thankful for all insights and inputs I received during classes and mentor and observed coaching. She is available to provide feedback and ideas and her observations are on point. I know she will leave a legacy. In fact, she is already leaving it. ”

Giulia Villirilli (ACC)Germany - Regional Account Manager

“Rossella was my mentor and teacher from November 2017 until April 2019 at International Coaching Academy. She is an extraordinary mentor, teacher and human being. Rossella is always willing to share her wisdom and love for coaching with her students. With her I learned how to be a professional and confident coach. She is patient and a great motivator. Her coaching classes are a deep learning experience and it helped me through my program and to get my ACC certification. Thanks Rossella.”

Maria Manuela Martins (ACC)Costa Rica - Life Coach

“I had the pleasure to meet Rossella during my coaching journey inICA and I must say that it was a privilege to be able to join her classes. Rossella is a very talented coach and mentor with a genuine interest in helping people unlocking their full potential, a person you can truly trust, definitely a great professional.”

Riccardo MereuItaly - Business Coachwww.swellcoaching.net
“My coach Rossella was exceptional, she was very attentive, very engaged, and very supportive with regard to my needs, and at the same time, she allowed me as the client to be in control at all times as to what direction we were heading with regard to solutions. Rossella was excellent at making me feel as a client very comfortable, and she was at all times very engaged in the topic at hand. As a client, I felt that I was thoroughly listened to, and I was asked questions that really assisted me in creating greater self-awareness.”
Victoria GadsonUSA - Director of Operations
“I am much more positive, I listen to what my heart is saying instead of my head. I have learned to not be so serious and to relax into my coaching and enjoy the journey with my clients. Sense of accomplishment, gain more confidence in myself and my purpose! Rossella, thank you for everything including extended our time beyond the 12 weeks to ensure I met my outcomes. I CANNOT WAIT until we meet in person and I am looking forward to supporting each other in the future! GOD BLESS!!”
Frederick West IIIUSA - Business Coachwww.lookfaithfirst.com

“Lavorare con te è stata una splendida avventura che non dimenticherò mai; la tua meravigliosa energia e il tuo supporto ed entusiasmo sono stati essenziali e mi hanno accompagnato e sorretto durante la strada, a volte tortuosa, a volte spianata, che abbiamo camminato fianco a fianco. Ho iniziato questo percorso con delle aspettative e puntualmente le hai superate, e mi hai incoraggiato a superarle, arrivando a risultati che all’inizio non credevo possibili: e ora, al termine del nostro percorso mi ritrovo rinnovata, ispirata, positiva, preparata, grata e pronta ad affrontare tutti gli ostacoli che mi dividono dal mio sogno.”

Giulia PeruzziItaly - Writer
“Ho deciso di intraprendere un percorso di coaching perchè avevo bisogno di interrompere un flusso che mi coinvolgeva senza cotrollo. Fin da subito insieme a Rossella ho compreso dove agire per cambiare e riprendere il controllo sui miei progetti. E’ stato un percorso molto intenso e rapido che ha permesso il pieno raggiungimento degli obiettivi.”
PaoloItaly - Business Owner

“La positività di Rossella è contagiosa… riesce a far emergere sempre il meglio dalle persone. Io l’ho conosciuta nel 2010, durante un’esperienza lavorativa, ed è stata la prima persona che ha compreso le mie potenzialità e inclinazioni. Tutte le volte che la incontro mi trasmette energia e mi infonde una grande fiducia; i suoi insegnamenti mi aiutano ad aprire sempre più i miei orizzonti e a rendermi consapevole delle mie capacità.”

Nicoletta MontinaroItaly - Product Manager
“Sono fiera di aver scelto di intraprendere questo percorso di coaching… La mia coach Rossella, con la sua energia ha saputo far uscire le mie capacità e farmi credere in me stessa… Mi ha fatto capire di essere una leader e soprattutto di contare sempre sulle mie capacità e di non accontentarmi se una cosa non mi va bene. Ho imparato davvero tanto da questo percorso… sono orgogliosa e pronta ad affrontare nuove sfide…”
Anna TononItaly
“Rossella mi ha permesso di scoprire chi sono e voglio essere come coach e come donna… Questo mi ha permesso di capire che cos’è il coaching, come poter utilizzare questo strumento e soprattutto di sentirmi pienamente allineata tra i miei valori, il mio essere e il mio fare. Quando ho scelto Rossella per questo percorso, sapevo che la sua energia, la sua positività sarebbero state contagiose e mi avrebbero permesso di sfidare e andare oltre tutti quelli che credevo essere i miei limiti.”
Fabiana MemmoloItaly - Life & Executive Coachwww.fabianamemmolocoach.it

“Il percorso di team coaching svolto mi ha letteralmente entusiasmata. Ho acquisito sicurezza, grande motivazione, spirito di squadra e la certezza di poter arrivare a quanto mi sono preventivata.
Il nostro coach ci ha guidato in questo percorso in maniera perfetta, lasciandoci i giusti spazi ed indicandoci la strada da seguire con il giusto supporto ma con una presenza discreta. E’ stata l’artefice principe nel raggiungimento dei nostri obiettivi. Un coach da dieci con lode!”

Barbara CalneggiaItaly - Business Ownerwww.talentsangels.com

“Il percorso di team coaching fatto con Rossella mi ha permesso di acquisire fiducia nel progetto idealizzato e di vederlo con più concretezza negli obiettivi a breve e lungo termine, nella mission/identità e di comprendere meglio le aspettative ed intenzioni degli altri membri del team e di affezionarmi di più sia a loro che al coach.”

Nicoletta ZanettiItaly - Business Ownerwww.talentsangels.com

“E’ stata un’esperienza che mi ha dato molto entusiasmo, mi ha aiutata a superare qualche momento di difficoltà e mi ha infuso fiducia nel futuro. Ho sentito molta fiducia e supporto da parte della nostra coach.”

Francesca CancianItaly - Business Ownerwww.talentsangels.com
“I was lucky to have Rossella as my peer coach. She’s helped me through a huge transformation in my life. She’s been a great support since that started, I have a better awareness and acceptance of how things are going, I have set clear goals and walking in their direction with clear steps.
She is a loving and caring person. I always felt relief talking with her. She always found a way to pull me up even when I was drowning in my problems. I would recommend Rossella not only for how professional she is, but for the heart she has, you know that your life is in safe hands.”
Naela OmarEgypt - Life Coachwww.khepercoaching.com
“Rossella, you are a wonderful coach, and have the skills to be successful in your coaching career. You are genuine, considerate and a pleasure to be coached by. Your enthusiasm, lightness and warm sense of humor are very welcoming and motivating. You provided awareness, clarity and shifts in perspectives. I appreciate and thank you for your time together on this journey.”
Irene AdamsCanada - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Coachwww.lifemapcoaching.ca
“Rossella is a fantastic Coach/Mentor. We were at ICA together and she was my Peer Coach. She has positive energy that surrounds her and this is reflected in her Coaching style. She always speaks from the heart and is an inspiration for everyone around her.
I have been in business for over 20 years prior to joining ICA and I have never met such a self-confident, intelligent, inspiring person. I would highly recommend Rossella not only as a personal Life Coach but in the business arena. I feel honoured to have met her.”
Judith Lowe (PCC)United Kingdom - Development Coach and Business Mentorwww.judithlowelifecoach.com
“Rossella was an excellent coach, combining an experienced, matter of fact personality with superb coaching skills. This allowed us to have a fabulous working relationship, deeply exploring all of the issues in a way that both expanded my thinking and was grounded in reality. Also, her light and cheerful personality made it a pleasure to work together. She is an excellent coach and I would recommend her to anyone exploring the life or career change, or who simply wants to meet a goal. Great coaching!”
Marie WetmoreUSA - Career, Performance, and Management Coach For Women