The story of a Lifelong Learner… towards Mastery!
Sapere aude! Dare to know!
A huge thanks to my Mentor Karen Cappello, MCC for believing in me so strongly and supporting my professional growth as a person and as a coach; to my Supervisor and Mentor Sheri Boone, MCC, BCC & Jamee Tenzer, PCC, BCC for your caring support and guidance in refining my coaching process; to my cheerleaders Robyn Logan, Sally Bridger & Merci Miglino for having created ICA, the best coaching academy of the World; to Magdalena N. Mook for having trained a highly professional and supportive credentialing team; to all my clients, students and peers who motivate and challenge my development every day; and last but not least, to my family for their unconditional love and for being there for me always! And the learning continues…